Aug 12, 2010 | Producers - Essential notes, Reviews, Work Blog, Workflow
This app does it’s job, but it’s not quite ready for bigger productions Ok, this plugin basically does what is says it does, which is very cool as before we had nothing, and for a lot of people it will do the job well, however for large projects, it kinda...
Aug 6, 2010 | 5Dmk2, Producers - Essential notes, What I've learned, Work Blog
Here’s a list of things this great camera can and can’t do. This list exists to provide information when deciding if this camera is the right tool for your particular project. Can’t do: HD Output whilst filming: the 5D outputs 480i , or standard...
Aug 6, 2010 | 5Dmk2, Producers - Essential notes, What I've learned, Work Blog
…unless they have a history of production and used the camera EXTENSIVELY themselves. I’ve heard of shoots, where there has been the most amazing dis-information given out; Some is ignorance, some simply hearsay, and others simply BS. THIS HURTS...
Aug 6, 2010 | 5Dmk2, Essential notes, Producers - Essential notes, What I've learned, Work Blog
It is a game changer, but it shouldn’t be a ‘brain changer’. There’s a fascination with this camera right now, but people seems to forget why. It’s image is amazing, and you can get fantastic shots & IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS , but not...